The doctors when performing critical operations and surgeries, video recording is done and stored for future reference. At times these videos loose relevance without any subtitling.
Subtitling demands a team of expert language specialists who are not only proficient in translating a wide range of programs, content, and genres but also skilled in capturing the nuances of tone, context, and expression. Their ability to maintain the integrity of the original material while adapting it seamlessly for subtitles is essential to delivering a professional and impactful viewing experience.
A professional subtitling service guarantees that the audience fully grasps the content while preserving the original feel of the footage. At Shan, our experts thoroughly understand the material they work with, ensuring that the meaning and context of the original version are retained and accurately conveyed in another language. They then refine the translated version to align with subtitle parameters, carefully considering factors such as reading speed, character-per-line limits, and the precise timing and positioning of text to create a seamless viewing experience.
Our global reach plays a pivotal role in the success of our strategies. We are constantly working to expand our capabilities and strengthen our services to provide the best solutions for our clients. Contact us today to experience top-tier service for your project.
Hurrah…. I have reduced my Purchase costs to only one person who gets all the work done from Shan. What a relief! I now save almost all my costs and enjoy life with my family
My problem is that there are so many people handling orders that some Indian Language orders are handled by someone else and other language orders by another team. But overall a very happy experience for me. Besides this I have no issues and am very happy.
Medical Subtitling
The Single Stop Solution for Ultimate Medical Subtitling Services
Subtitles are textual version of the recorded video which is displayed at the bottom of the screen. In medical subtitling (MS), patient’s treatment history is recorded as video by the doctor, is then converted into text and the text is displayed onscreen. MS requires use of correct spelling of all terms and words, and timely display of text. The experts have to be experienced enough to make out the native accent of the doctors and a keen eye to keep the text according to the pace of voice recording. The voice is converted into text either in the same language or may be in multiple different languages within the time frame
Medical Subtitling - Your Satisfaction is our intent.
Shan is recognized as one of the pioneers in Medical Subtitling services
Old Transcription & Subtitling Samples
We also translate for videos on YouTube. Some subtitling happens on You Tube directly and for others .srt files are made.