Our proofreading service is designed to meticulously review and refine documents, ensuring they are free of technical errors such as spelling, capitalization, punctuation, syntax, and formatting. Our experienced editors recognize that the true value of a document lies in its ability to engage the reader and effectively convey the intended message. In addition to correcting errors, they provide detailed feedback on significant changes, offering suggestions that enhance clarity, flow, and overall impact. Whether making direct edits or recommending improvements, we ensure your document meets the highest standards of professionalism and readability.

Our proofreading service provides a comprehensive review of your content, meticulously checking for spelling errors, punctuation, formatting, font consistency, style, grammatical accuracy (including article and tense usage), appropriate technical and non-technical terminology, sentence structure, and overall text flow.

At Shan Translation, we are committed to delivering a flawless final product, ensuring your content is precise, coherent, and professionally presented, free from any errors.

I gave a sample to Shan, which somebody else was doing. When I received their sample and quote, I was surprised and was sure that they will not be able to do this job at the quoted rate. I now admit that I was wrong and they saved 40 % of my cost with a better quality.

Youssef Muhammad

How could you handle the Japanese project so well? I am sure your translation expertise would have helped. Our quality department confirms 99.20 % accuracy which is the highest we have seen.

At places you have also marked mistakes in the source file.

ALC Translation