

What worse can be that you have your copy of publications, but it is full of errors, making it impossible to use the way it was supposed to be?

Here comes the role of proofreaders. Proofreaders are professionals who are expected to be accurate all the time because Proofreading is the last stage before publication. Though last but it is the most important step in the process of publication.

Shan has an expert team of proofreaders who are working on the guidelines by checking the document and making it error free. These errors can range from being a grammatical/ typing error or an error in the expression of the sentence. There are various ways of proofreading through copy reading, double reading, scanning or checking by the checklist. We at Shan believe in “Proofread your work if you want it to be taken seriously” (source-unknown). So, carrying forward our belief, are our happy clients who have shown trust in us and kept our Proofreaders busy. Shan will be happy to work with more clients and provide them our pool of services.

I gave a sample to Shan, which somebody else was doing. When I received their sample and quote, I was surprised and was sure that they will not be able to do this job at the quoted rate. I now admit that I was wrong and they saved 40 % of my cost with a better quality.

Youssef Muhammad

How could you handle the Japanese project so well? I am sure your translation expertise would have helped. Our quality department confirms 99.20 % accuracy which is the highest we have seen.

At places you have also marked mistakes in the source file.

ALC Translation